Sunday, July 4, 2010

Needles,Pains & Constipation

Well I'm still alive after all those medical procedures I had done over the week! Poor Ron is having to spend the holiday weekend watching & waiting on me. I'm pretty sore & still uncomfortable from all the needle poking they had to do each day. Thursday, after they drained my left lung I could sure breathe a lot better--for a couple of days. The techs said I had quite a bit in the right lung too. So I think it's gotten worse now. Dr. only ordered the left lung drained because they never do both at the same time in case they collapse or some such thing.

My Dr is out of town this weekend and week, although he is keeping tabs on my biopsy results, so we can start chemo. I may need to get a hold of his office to see about getting this right lung drained in the meantime. I don't look forward to it, it is not that pleasant.

Friday was the breast biopsy. It was like having surgery but it was an outpatient one. Dr. removed samples from 2 separate areas, and it is very tender. So I've gone back to using the pain meds for the last couple days which helps immensely, but also causes constipation. Today I've had some stomach cramps along with the other left over pains. I finally took something mild to help me along, so I'm looking forward to it working later today.

Happy 4th of July today! Ron made us a delicious potato salad to make our day more festive. I suddenly have a craving for baked beans too.

1 comment:

  1. Want you to know I have you on my mind daily. I am enjoying myself here with my family. Best summer of my life enjoying my grandchildren.
    You sure are going through a lot and hope that chemo starts soon for you. Remember if you need a place in LV Nancy across has a key just let me know so I can tell park so they do not think someone broke in.
    Will give you a call soon. I get so mixed up with the time; I keep thinking I am 3 hours behind....but it is a little too late to call tonight. almost 10:30 for you.
    Love and Hugs
