Sunday, May 23, 2010

day 10

hello there are so many friends and family out there who genuinely care .You have all rocked Marias and my world with your prayers cards calls and donations . sorry about the lag time between posts she has had a bad last couple of days. To fill you in they pulled her epideral as they figured maybe it was hampering the stomach and bowels from wakeing up. So to take care of the pain she is recieving mophine every 3 hours She does not like that .Before this it was hard to get her to take an aspirin for a headache.She also needed 2 pints of blood.It was a rough day. She still needs to produce some gas so they can crimp the suction tube in her throat to test her functions for 2 to 3 days. So it could possibly be another 5 to 6 days in hospital. We are holding up but to be real about this whole situation without the Lord Jesus our friends old and new I really dont know what we would have done thankyou so much I will try to keep up better with the blog if I can figure out how to put a picture on here i will GOODNITE AND GOD BLESS

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