Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hello RN&R Readers

Thank you to Kat Kerlin of the Reno News & Review for interviewing Monica about our situation and publishing it in the 15 Minutes section.

Maria is back in the hospital after a trip to the ER Monday, April 4th concerned because she had been vomiting 4-5 times a day unable to eat or drink or hold anything down for 6 or 7 days in a row. After a blood tests, a CT scan, ultrasound exam and an MRI, there still is no diagnosis. Her pancreas is not functioning properly and is experiencing inflammation and pseudocysts. Her vitals are coming back to normal and hopes to figure out why this is happening and how to prevent it are high.

Ron has started his physical therapy for this second round of knee replacement and infection clearing surgeries. He is excited about the new regimen and relieved that it seems much more involved and thorough than that which he went through in 2006. Although this go around is creating a financial nightmare, he is thankful for a second chance at having a pain-free normal knee replacement that functions properly.

Support their journey by attending the Biggest Little MusicFest Stage 2 at Urban Beets (50 N. Virginia) in Reno on Friday, April 8th starting at 8 PM until 1 AM or so. Click here to RSVP and spread the word to all your friends.

Other ways to extend a helping hand:
Like Help4Maria on Facebook and encourage your friends to do so.
Reply to blog posts on
Donate directly to the trust fund by clicking donate on
Visit Melting Pot or The Studio to purchase prayer and meditation stools handmade by Ron, Maria and Monica
E-mail with any suggestions, comments, to volunteer, etc.

We appreciate all the help we have received from this community. Thank you!


  1. Although this go around is creating a financial nightmare, he is thankful for a second chance at having a pain-free normal knee replacement that functions properly.

  2. Hey Lady, how are you feeling? What did the docs say? I am thinking of you, praying for you, and sending you loving, healing thoughts. Love you Maria - Emma
