Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When Can I Jump Up and Down?

I have tendinitis in my right leg. Don't know why or where it came from, but it takes forever to get better. So, I'm excited about being done with chemo, but can't jump up and down yet or it will injure the leg more. I want to do a lot of walking for exercise, but can't yet till leg heals. Dr. said to give it at least a month.

I am feeling pretty good now though. That hospital thing was quite a surprise, my immune system was down to nothing and I couldn't fight off anything. The good thing is that I did not experience that during the whole 9 months of chemo treatments. And I could have. My blood counts were down all the time but it did not get to that point. That chemo stuff is pretty rough on your body. It kills off the good cells while getting rid of the bad, so you have to be careful.

I had my last chemo in January and now I am being monitored. So the routine now is labs and a checkup every 3 months for two years. They do the blood tests to see how you are doing, and it will show if the cancer comes back. My Dr. said that there's a 50% chance of it coming back in one year--partly because I am Stage IV. The fourth stage being the worst and most advanced.

But you and I know that the Lord will be the One to determine what happens! So I do not dwell on it at all.

We wanted to go somewhere else for the summer, but have reconsidered since I have to report back to my oncologist here every 3 mos. So we may actually stay in Reno for one or more years yet. We do plan to move back into the motor home this spring. We are looking at different RV parks, etc to decide where would be an affordable place to park.

I guess my hair will start growing back again pretty soon. I have funny looking little sprouts all over my head now. Looks like there's going to be a lot of gray when it does grow back. Well, surprise, surprise. You know, the process of losing it was pretty interesting, now watching it grow back in is kind of an emotional gig too. What I'm pretty anxious for is to have eyelashes and eyebrows again, assuming they do grow back. There's no indication of that yet.

Ron & I are so thankful to have you all out there rooting for us everyday. I feel the love and the prayers that you send out. God is great, God is good, let us thank Him as we should. Amen

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