In a deep state of meditation, and out of quiet darkness the images started to form. Nine months have passed. Cancer debulking surgery, lungs drained several times, a second surgical procedure, weekly blood draws and monthly five-hour chemo therapy treatments. Life around me had moved on quickly, whether I was ready or not. The best I could do was grab a tight hold and ride the ride.
But now in that peaceful meditative state, as the images began to take form and slowly rise, I realized my mind and my body finally made a much needed connection. I saw my right ovary, my left ovary, my uterus, a portion of my colon, part of my bladder. There went my appendix too. As I watched these vivid images leave my body, and as I allowed myself to stay in that moment, I realized I was finally saying good bye to these things that were taken from me. Tears flowed freely from my closed eyes, and the Lord then filled the void with renewed strength. A delayed process of grieving now complete.
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