Tuesday, May 18, 2010

day 5 post surgery: prayers for gas

Been a busy day. Emily, Dr. Lim's, assistant told Maria she must fart today and to have all her peeps pray for a fart today. Webster's dictionary states that a fart is an audible anal discharge. I have not heard nor detected a fart so could you all please pray for a fart. No matter how big or how small as soon as she does they will take the tube out of her throat. This tube is pumping stomach matter and acid up through her esophagus out through her nose and into a bucket. Substances cannot travel through her intestine until a fart passes safely through there. Please pray for farts!

Maria walked on her own without hanging onto anyone three times today. She said it made her feel relieving and like she was stretching her back a little. She also tried taking longer strides to "change it up a little." They were slow but longer and it felt good to change her boring routine to go back and forth the same way each time.

Good night and God bless.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear Maria is doing well. Thanking God for answering prays. And we will pray for the gas to pass. Hugs to all of you.
